2025 Year of the snake

The moon 🌝says that 2025 will be the year of the snake!🐍Our snake friend 👀 will allegedly bring wisdom, transformation, creativity, and calmness!

So I made this poster...THE OPPOSITE OF CALM! 🫨
Lol! Remember when I was all blah blah blah
“warm muted tones”...blah blah “better for decor”. 🙄WELL I CHANGED ME MIND! New year is a time for bright celebration!! Especially in many Asian cultures it is the biggest holiday of the year! This one was very fun and honestly a bit special to me bc this is the first time l’ve used Chinese characters in a poster (I’M CHINESE) and I wanted to do it justice! But I also wanted to use this poster as an opportunity to make something in the style of many artists I look up to! Specifically Takashi Murakami and Vanilla Chi. I wanted to make something beautiful, crazy and fun! And I like it!


Silly City #1: Welcome to New York